Raja Yoga Meditation Course
The Key to Self Discovery and Self MasterySome description text for this item
This is an introduction to the foundation teaching of the Brahma Kumaris.
In Raja Yoga Meditation course, we will explore the powers of the soul, the journey through time and space, history, and geography of humanity from a spiritual aspect – thereby restoring a functional and healthy balance between your inner and outer worlds.
- Answer the age-old question ‘Who am I’?
- Remember the easy path to Inner power and overcome all outer challenges.
- Learn how to change unwanted and damaging habits.
- Utilize the power of thought to elevate your feelings and your life.
- Strengthen your relationship with the Source of all Goodness.
- Begin or strengthen your meditation practice
- Understand the secrets of karma and empower your choices, and your future.
The course will be offered Monthly 1st Monday of the month and continues every Monday, once a week for 12 weeks.
(12 sessions, 1 hour segment)
This is online course in English*, via the Zoom video conferencing platform.
REGISTRATION – https://tinyurl.com/y5unhpft
(Once you register, you will get an email with the login information and timing for this course.)
* for preferred language or any other questions, please contact us at: bkswestchester.ny@gmail.com