Our History
A young couple was inspired by the drastic change their lives had taken from the studies they received from the Brahma Kumaris Organization. They decided to share their space and time for the betterment of the world. They used their home as a haven for others to meditate, study and experience a peaceful and positive life-changing experience.
In the little room, there were walls decorated with images of Yogis and other detailed pictures of the organization. Many came to take benefit, as well as many Seniors who would travel to the US. They would stop by to visit and give their blessings.
From their home they ventured out to public spaces – Libraries, City Halls, Churches, Rental spaces, Senior homes, Schools etc.
Meditations for staff in Government Offices and Libraries are offered regularly.
First library service took place in NY
First “Peace in The Park” in the USA – sponsored by city officials.
Many Dignitaries from City Hall attended. Amongst them were – (Then) Mayor Philip A. Amicone, Current Mayor Mike Spano, NY State Assemblyman Nader Sayegh, Yonkers City Court Judge Thomas R. Daly and Ex City Official and Community activist Robert (Bob) Stauf. Many other delegates came out to show their support.
Sister Shivani visited Westchester County for the first time and attracted over 1500 people.

We are all part of one family, and it does not matter from what part of the world we come from because we are connected through our values. We desire the same peace, love, respect and happiness as our neighbor. When we strip away our roles and outward differences, we discover that we are indeed all the same, beautiful and amazing shining lights as brothers and sisters.
As an organization, we serve with Enthusiasm, Dedication, Creativity, and Love. These are the ingredients to cultivate a better world order. The glowing faces are what make us ever ready to serve and share. Listening to the adventures, the stories of personal transformation, and the depth of experience because of spiritual connection with the Divine are a true testament of its success.
Brahma Kumaris started its mission at Westchester & Rockland County, NY in 2002 as part of this worldwide spiritual movement. We are is dedicated to personal transformation and world renewal by teaching individuals to view the world as essentially spiritual, rather than just material. The teachings support the cultivation of a collective consciousness of peace and of the individual dignity of each soul – regardless of race, religion, culture, education, economic or social standing.,

Mohini Punjabi
Director of the Brahma Kumaris in the USA
She is the regional Coordinator for the Brahma Kumaris in the Western Hemisphere.
The primary trustee for Global Harmony House is Mohini Panjabi, a spiritual educator with over sixty years of experience in Raja Yoga Meditation. Born in India, she came to the West in her twenties and has been serving as the main spiritual resource of the Brahma Kumaris’ activities in the Western Hemisphere since the mid 1970s. She is sought after as an international speaker and spiritual resource, and she represents the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations. Sister Mohini is based in Great Neck, New York.

Meet the BK’s in USA
The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization in the USA is part of a worldwide network of learning and retreat centers with over a million members. We are dedicated to individual, societal and world transformation through the study and spiritual practice of raj yoga meditation. At the heart of our teaching is the belief that the pathway to individual peace and fulfillment is first realizing and then remembering our original nature as spiritual beings in connection with One Source, who provides meaning and purpose to our identity.
Our knowledge, revealed in the 1930’s in India, describes the eternal truths of the soul and the Source, the philosophy of karma and the secrets of time. BK’s come together in 30 centers in the US to study this knowledge and its application in our lives. Raja Yoga is a knowledge base and practice regimen especially for this time in the history of the world.
The spiritual headquarters of Brahma Kumaris is in Mount Abu, India. At a national level, activities are generally coordinated by local people in alignment with the spiritual principles of Brahma Kumaris, working in accordance with the laws of the land. Activities of international interest are coordinated regionally from offices in London, Moscow, Nairobi, New York and Sydney. Click here to learn more.