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Time: Monday to Friday at 1:00 pm to 1:15 pm

“Power boost your day – Just 15 minutes to start your day will energize you for the entire day.”

An easy way to take time out: a 15-minute meditation booster to stop and slow down, sit back, relax and be guided through a relaxation, visualization and some quiet moments to clear your head and refresh.

(This is an online session, via the Zoom video conferencing platform. Zoom registration is beneficial but not essential, just click meeting link below and enter the password to join. Alternatively enter the meeting ID when prompted.) 

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 934 4411 5534

Password: peace

Please email: with any questions.

Event Timeslots (5)

Power boost your day - Just 15 minutes to start your day will energize you for the entire day

Power boost your day - Just 15 minutes to start your day will energize you for the entire day

Power boost your day - Just 15 minutes to start your day will energize you for the entire day

Power boost your day - Just 15 minutes to start your day will energize you for the entire day

Power boost your day - Just 15 minutes to start your day will energize you for the entire day

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